
Rights & Permissions

In order to reuse copyrighted Jones & Bartlett Learning material in any format, please download and complete the Permission Request Form.

Please note:

  • It is your responsibility to ensure that the material you are requesting has not been referenced to another source.
  • A photocopy or scan of the requested material must be attached, faxed, or emailed to the Permissions department along with your permission form.
  • No permission will be granted without a photocopy or scan of the requested material.
  • For any intended electronic uses, please also note the below guidelines for online requests.
  • You will receive notification within 30 days of receipt of your submission. An invoice will be sent under separate cover.
  • Completed permission forms should be sent to:
    Permissions Coordinator
    Jones & Bartlett Learning
    25 Mall Road
    Burlington, MA 01803

    Email: permissions@jblearning.com
    Fax: 978-639-3605
Online Request Policy

Online Request Policy

Jones & Bartlett Learning will consider requests to reproduce our copyrighted material online if the requests meet the following criteria:

  • The website on which the material will be posted is password protected.
  • The website on which the material will be posted has limited, restricted access.
  • The material will be posted only for a set period of time as specified on the request form.

Only those requests submitted using the Jones & Bartlett Learning Permission Request Form will be considered. Electronic versions of images will not be provided.