Meet the Author: Donna Middaugh

by  Jones & Bartlett Learning     Apr 14, 2020

Donna Middaugh, Ph.D., RN is a professor at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, College of Nursing; she is currently teaching graduate courses in Nursing Administration.

Donna Middaugh is a part of the author team for Policy and Politics for Nurses and Other Health Professionals: Advocacy and Action, Third Edition along with Donna M. Nickitas and Veronica D. Feeg. The Third Edition was recently awarded first place in the 2019 AJN Book of the Year Award in the History and Public Policy category.

We recently caught up with Donna Middaugh and gained some insight on her career, outlook on the field of nursing, her teaching style, and more.

Jones & Bartlett Learning (JBL): Is there a particular person or event that motivated you?

Donna Middaugh (DM): My grandmother, who was ahead of her time and went to college in the early 1900s.

JBL: What has been the most influential or pivotal moment in your career?

DM: Serving as a clinical risk manager and researching malpractice cases nationally opened my eyes to ways healthcare professionals can reduce or eliminate risks to patients and their own practice.

JBL: What changes in your field excite you?

DM: The increasing awareness of the benefits of graduate-level education for nurses, and the movement to allow nurses to practice to their full education level

JBL: Tell us how you motivate your students

DM: My courses are all done online, however, I find it important to "meet" with my students for seminars and class sessions via the internet to maintain a personal touch in the education process.

JBL: Tell us about the last recognition you’ve received.

DM: the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences: Outstanding Woman Faculty Member for 2019, the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences: 2019 Phenomenal Woman, Arkansas: 100 Great Nurses 2018.

JBL: Are you involved in any community or philanthropic projects you would like to share?

DM: I've participated in organizing the Arkansas Camp Quality holiday party for children with cancer for 19 years.

JBL: What advice do you have for today's students?

DM: Understand that nursing and healthcare are constantly changing. You must dedicate and discipline yourself to remain current and never stop learning.

Policy and Politics for Nurses and Other Health Professionals, Third Edition

The Third Edition focuses on the most relevant health policy issues while taking an interdisciplinary approach to creating an understanding of healthcare practice and policy across interprofessional teams. In addition, global and population health issues such as war, terrorism, disease, and natural disasters that impact health professionals are also covered in detail.