Infant Mortality and Black Women [Flipped Classroom Assignment]

by  Patti R. Rose     Apr 16, 2020
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Among the headlines, this morning came some great news. Reps. Lauren Underwood (D-Ill.) and Alma Adams (D-N.C.) announced that they have created a Black Maternal Health Caucus.  "Our caucus will elevate black maternal health as a national priority and explore and advocate for effective, evidence-based, culturally competent policies and best practices for improving black maternal health," Underwood said at a press conference. Read the full story

An understanding of Black maternal and child health disparities is critical for any future Public Health professional. Therefore, from the archives of the Public Health Faculty Lounge, I am resharing a Flipped Classroom Assignment that will engage your students in an active discussion about this key issue.

In this flipped classroom assignment, your students will learn about the harsh realities associated with infant mortality and Black women.

Homework Assignment:

Read: Why America’s Black Mothers and Babies Are in a Life-or-Death Crisis

Watch: Democracy Now interview with Linda Villarosa, author of the NY Times article 

In-Class Assignment:

Break into Three groups:

Step 1: Discuss the three key reasons, per the video, why Black women are experiencing problems associated with Infant Mortality and decide if you agree or disagree as a group. You may use the article above to gather more facts (beyond the film) to determine if you agree or disagree with the points in the film.

Step 2: Each group selects one of the three reasons to highlight. Pick a spokesperson for your group and share (spokesperson) the details and facts associated with the reason your group selected with the rationale based on the video.  Explain your position (agree/disagree) to the other two groups.

About the Author

Patti R. Rose, MPH, Ed - President and Founder, Rose Consulting, Miami, Florida

Dr. Patti Rose acquired her Master’s Degree (MPH) in Health Services Administration from the Yale University School of Public Health followed by her Doctorate (Ed.D) in Health Education from Columbia University, Teachers College. She is the President and Founder of Rose Consulting through which she offers speaking engagements, workshops and consultation in the United States and abroad. She is also the co-host of and co-creator of a new podcast entitled TheIvyRoses which is aired on iTunes, Sound Cloud, Spotify, and Stitcher, which offers health topics and beyond.
Twitter handle: @IvyRosesPodcast
Instagram: @IvyRosesPodcast