Meet the Author: Linda Roussel

by  Jones & Bartlett Learning     Apr 23, 2020

Linda A. Roussel, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, CNL, FAAN is a Visiting Clinical Professor, Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program Coordinator and faculty member at Texas Women’s University where she’s currently teaching four DNP courses: Project Management, DNP Project, Health Outcomes, and Evidence-Based Practice.

Dr. Linda Roussel has authored and contributed to four Jones & Bartlett Learning nursing-focused texts over the past few years: Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators, Project Planning and Management, Initiating and Sustaining the Clinical Nurse Leader Role, and Evidence-Based Practice.

We recently caught up with the prolific author and learned more about her passion for nursing, motivation, influences, and interests.
Jones & Bartlett Learning (JBL): How did you become interested in your area of specialty?
Linda Roussel (LR): [I] love leadership and translation . . . perfect fit to improve patient, population and health system's outcomes.

JBL: Is there a particular person or event that motivated you?

LR: Dr. Russell Swansburg . . . our great nurse theorists, Orem, Watson, Chinn, Fawcett, Rogers, Parse.

JBL: What has been the most influential or pivotal moment in your career?

LR: Having the opportunity to share my practice and teaching experiences through my writings (chapters, textbooks).

JBL: What changes in your field excite you? Or what areas do you think need to be changed?

LR: I love the focus on translational science, improvement, and change. [I] believe that we are moving into a greater application and pragmatic approach to change, improvement, and innovation.

JBL: Tell us how you motivate your students.

LR: I believe I motivate my students by asking great questions, engaging them in meaningful dialogue, creating assignments/activities that build on their strengths, and opportunities. I start where the students are, I honor their skills and competencies, and I also believe I serve as a good role model.  I am accessible, and always willing to respond to questions and concerns. I don't believe this is necessarily "cool", however, [I] believe it is the bedrock of great student-faculty-community partnerships.

JBL: Tell us about the last recognition you’ve received.

LR: My last honor was being inducted to the American Academy of Fellows (FAAN).  Before that honor, I was the first one to be awarded the AACN CNL Outstanding Educator Award.

JBL: Are you involved in any community or philanthropic projects you would like to share?

LR: Yes, I am involved with Habitat for Humanity and Homelessness.

JBL: What advice do you have for today's students?

LR: Be open to all opportunities . . . welcome honest critique, always be willing to share your experience, reach out to others, and to pay it forward.

Interested in learning more about the texts Dr. Roussel has authored? See below!

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