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Navigate Advantage Access for Global Health 101selected product title

Fourth Edition


Richard Skolnik, MPA


Instant Access
| © 2021
365Day Subscription

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Navigate Advantage Access for Global Health 101, Fourth Edition unlocks a wealth of resources to help students better understand the most critical issues in Global Health through an extensive set of case studies as well assessments, and study tools.

These resources include:  

eBook:  Read your digital text online or offline, enhance your learning with interactive tools, and make personal notes. The eBook provides a personal, interactive, and collaborative learning experience on computers, tablets, and mobile devices. In addition, the eBook offers access to value-added content not found in the print text, including 31 additional case studies (see page xxxi) and two bonus chapters (20 & 21) on Careers. 

Assessments:  Gauge your comprehension of the material and help you pinpoint where to focus your study time with study questions at the end of each eBook chapter.

Study Aids:  Reinforce your comprehension of course material with lecture outlines, learning objectives, model policy briefs, flashcards, key terms, and much more.

Instructor's Resources:  Make course preparation a breeze with this complete set of instructor's resources, including: 

  • discussion cases for each chapter to spark classroom discourse
  • model syllabi for different levels of global health courses
  • banks of study and quiz questions along with model midterm and final exams
  • PowerPoint slides for each chapter
  • a list of additional global health references and websites
  • an annotated list of global health videos, organized by chapter
  • links to key Massive Open Online Courses in Global Health

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Introductory courses in Global Health at the undergraduate and graduate level.

© 2021