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Navigate Companion Website for A Practical Guide to Personal Conditioningselected product title

First Edition


David D Peterson, EdD, CSCS; Melissa Rittenhouse, PhD, RD, CSSD


Instant Access
| © 2019
365Day Subscription

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The Navigate Companion Website provides a wealth of information to help students better understand health, fitness, and nutrition through practical learning activities and study tools. Resources include:

  • Practice Quizzes test your knowledge of the important concepts in each chapter through multiple choice and true/false questions
  • Interactive Glossary allows you to instantly view definitions of key terms from the text. It can be searched by keyword, browsed alphabetically, or browsed by chapter
  • Interactive Flashcards will guide you through the key terms that are vital to the understanding of important topics
  • Crossword Puzzles provide an interactive overview of terms from each chapter in the text
  • Web Links explore external sites that provide additional information about topics covered in the text

© 2019