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Pratt's Long-Term Care: Managing Across the Continuumselected product title
Fifth Edition
Steven Chies, MHA, LNHA, FACHE
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Covering the full spectrum of long-term care, Pratt’s Long-Term Care: Managing Across the Continuum, Fifth Edition is an ideal introduction to management in this dynamic industry. Concise, yet complete, it begins with a look at recent changes in long-term care and health care reform, before examining the various long -term care providers and their interaction with competition, payment systems, quality, and ethical issues. It moves on to explore managing in the long-term care system looking at administration, leadership, culture change, technology and community relations, and concludes with a look at future trends and managing continuing change.
The Fifth Edition is a comprehensive revision reflecting new Federal Requirements of Participation from CMS for skilled nursing facilities and changes the Medicare-fee-for-service payment system (PDPM). It also addresses the Affordable Care Act and its impact on long-term care, as well as the growth of technology in enhancing care, the latest on payment systems and changes to value-based purchasing, and the explosive growth of assisted living and related non-institutional care settings.
- Updated to reflect changes in senior care environment, including: governmental payment system, regulatory actions, the impact of COVID-19 on care settings, quality improvement protocols, leadership competencies, and more.
- Increased discussion on the growth of technology to enhance care settings, including electronic health records, active/passive behavior sensors, and medical technology advances, both pharmaceutical and medical treatments (surgeries).
- Updated discussion of payment systems and increased incentives and penalties for value-based purchasing, including new risk-based payment schemes and how this is creating challenges for many providers across the county.
- Significant updates to assisted living content, including the new role of “assisted living managers” and the larger role of government in regulating this care setting.
- A more thorough focus on strategic planning and operationalizing theory throughout.
- Each new print copy includes Navigate 2 eBook Access to read your digital textbook online or offline, on computers, tablets, and mobile devices.
This text is part of the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Board’s (NAB) 2022 recommended reference list for those preparing to take the following federal licensing/certification exams:
- CORE: General Knowledge Examination for Long Term Care Administrators
- NHA: Nursing Home Administrators Line of Service Exam
- RCAL: Resident Care and Assisted Living Administrators Line of Service Exam
- HCBS: Home and Community-Based Service Administrators Line of Service Exam
For more information regarding the NAB exams, please visit
Undergraduate and graduate courses in Long-Term Care, Elder Care or Gerontology. Also appropriate for professional certifications such as CNHA and CALA.
© 2021 | 500 pages
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Sample Materials
- Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - Front Matter
Front Matter - Transition Guide
Transition Guide