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Navigate eBook Access for Essentials of Health Care Marketing selected product title

Fifth Edition


Eric N. Berkowitz, PhD, MBA


Instant Access
| © 2022
Access code subscription length:365Days

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Navigate eBook Access for Essentials of Health Care Marketing, Fifth Edition is a digital-only eBook with 365-day access.  The eBook  is enriched with an interactive glossary, web links, chapter quizzes, and 16 case studies.

Essentials of Health Care Marketing, Fifth Edition provides students with a foundational knowledge of the principles of marketing and their particular application in health care. Offering an engaging and accessible approach, the Fifth Edition of this highly current text offers new and enhanced content on social media and digital marketing, a thorough consideration of ethics, the impact of technology on marketing and health care, and additional multimedia to add relevance and further engage students.


© 2022