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Navigate 2 TestPrep: Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guideselected product title

Eighth Edition


Barbara Janson Cohen


| © 2016
Access code subscription length:365Days
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Navigate 2 TestPrep for Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide is a digital-only Access Code.

Now packed with new illustrations and more clinically relevant than ever before, this fully updated eighth edition of Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide helps readers develop a fundamental knowledge of the medical terminology necessary for a career in any health care setting.

Navigate 2 TestPrep helps you prepare for examinations by offering practice and simulated tests, detailed rationales, and powerful data dashboards.

With Navigate 2 TestPrep, you can:

  • Build customized practice tests by selecting the number of questions for each category or subject
  • Practice with simulated tests that mimic the actual exam
  • Take notes or highlight
  • Flag questions for later review
  • Select your confidence level for each question
  • Turn the timer on or off

Navigate 2 TestPrep offers immediate answers for completed questions and comprehensive answer rationales in practice mode to enable you to choose whether to return to the dashboard to build new practice tests or attempt a simulated test that mimics the actual exam.

© 2016