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Comprehensive Dental Assisting Companion Websiteselected product title

First Edition


Jones & Bartlett Learning


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Each new print copy of Comprehensive Dental Assisting includes an access code for the Navigate 2 Companion Website.

The Navigate 2 Companion Website provides a wealth of information to help students better understand the various facets of dental assisting through practical learning activities and study tools. We are pleased to provide these online resources to support classroom education.

Videos and Animations

Videos and animations provide visual reinforcement for key concepts and procedures described in the text.

Image Bank

The Image Bank collects the illustrations and photographs found in the text in one central location.

Crossword Puzzles

Crossword Puzzles support the retention of key terms and concepts in a fun and interactive way.

Additional Documents

Additional documents, such as sign language charts, provide supplemental information.

© 2012