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Comprehensive Dental Assisting, Enhanced Editionselected product title

First Edition


Jones & Bartlett Learning


| © 2012
| 960 pages

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Dental assistants have to work as part of a team every day to provide patients with the best possible care and ensure that the dental office runs smoothly.  As an instructor, you prepare students to have the skills and abilities they will need to be a successful part of this dental team.  As a publisher, we play a role on this team as well, by providing the tools and materials you need to educate new dental assistants. We have actively listened to dental assistants, faculty, and students discuss their textbook needs, and have created a better dental assisting textbook, one that brings the voice of the dental assistant and dental team to the resources used in your classroom.

And so, we’re excited to introduce you to Comprehensive Dental Assisting, Enhanced Edition, an exciting first edition textbook written in the voice of dental assistants - your voice.

Comprehensive Dental Assisting, Enhanced Edition is an exciting, first-edition textbook based on our collaboration with professionals and educators in the dental assisting field to address the challenges you face as an instructor. This engaging, comprehensive title delivers all of the coverage you and your students need, information on accreditation and certification, and all the tools students need to prepare for a successful career in dental assisting.

The text’s reader-friendly and engaging style, dynamic colorful design, and comprehensive electronic media help to maintain students' interest, while improving their retention of essential information. Unique features emphasize critical thinking and help students apply what they learn in the classroom to real-world challenges in their careers.

This text includes several distinctive features to help maintain interest and engage students more deeply in the learning process.

  • Voice of Experience: Insider tips from an experienced dental assistant relating real-life expertise gained on the job
  • From the Dentist's Perspective: Insight from the dentist's point of view on the actions or characteristics he or she finds desirable in a dental assistant
  • Extra Patient Care: Sage advice on how to go the extra mile in assisting the patient, including tips on patient education and patient-centered care
  • Dental Facts: Fun dental factoids and statistics, with topics ranging from historical developments to interesting beliefs about the teeth or past dental curiosities

© 2012 | 960 pages

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