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Navigate 2 eBook Access for Global Health 101selected product title

Fourth Edition


Richard Skolnik, MPA


Instant Access
| © 2021
| 586 pages
135Day Subscription

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Like the text, the Navigate 2 eBook for Global Health 101, Fourth Edition is a clear, concise, and user-friendly introduction to the most critical issues in global health. Drawing from his 40 years of experience working in international development and global health as well as teaching, the author illustrates key themes through an extensive set of case studies, examples, and the latest evidence. The fourth edition offers a significant amount of new and updated information, while maintaining the clarity, simplicity, and ease of use that has made this text so popular.

Global Health 101, Fourth Edition builds in unique ways on evidence from fundamental sources, including the Global Burden of Disease Studies, Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition, (DCP3), and Millions Saved. This edition includes an enhanced emphasis on Universal Health Coverage, ethical priority setting, health disparities, and the quality of care. In addition, this thorough update now presents substantial data by World Bank region and World Bank country income group.

UPDATED COVERAGE of the global burden of disease and risk factors and of recommended interventions, at different parts of the health system, to address key health burdens. 
ENHANCED COVERAGE of the determinants of health; the health of women; the health of children, adolescents and young adults; immunization; undernutrition and obesity; and, the growing prevalence of noncommunicable diseases.
A FULLY INTEGRATED CHAPTER on intersectoral approaches to improving health.
EXPANDED DISCUSSION of KEY THREATS such as climate change, antimicrobial resistance, and emerging and reemerging infectious diseases.
MORE THAN 70 CASE STUDIES – 15 of which are brand new to this edition – help illustrate critical issues.
NEW ILLUSTRATIVE PHOTOS, most from an award-winning photographer, bring global health concepts and themes to life.
TWO CHAPTERS ON CAREERS, included on the Navigate 2 platform, help guide readers on career opportunities in Global Health and offer 24 profiles of key global health actors.

Introductory courses in Global Health at the undergraduate and graduate level.

© 2021 | 586 pages