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Navigate eBook Access for Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach - 365 Day Accessselected product title

Fourth Edition


Lachel Story, PhD, RN


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Navigate eBook Access for Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach is a digital-only, eBook with 365-day access.

Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach, Fourth Edition provides an innovative, practice-ready, approach to foundational pathophysiology for nursing students. The text is organized by body system and is presented in an easy-to-read format with vibrant graphics and practice tools. This student-friendly approach empowers readers to take a more active role in learning pathophysiology

The Fourth Edition is unique in its application to practice. Key features walk the reader through challenging topics and latest insights in pathophysiology, leveraging recent ground-breaking studies discussed in the Emerging Research sections, and offering Application to Practice callouts that deepen the connection between classroom and clinical setting. Students and faculty praise this text for its innovative presentation, helpful NCLEX questions, approachable reading style, dynamic images, and coverage of current research.


© 2022 | 540 pages