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Cultural Competency for Health Administration and Public Healthselected product title
First Edition
Patti R. Rose, MPH, EdD
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Cultural Competency for Health Administration and Public Health is a clear and concise introduction to the topics and tools necessary for the application of cultural competency processes in various healthcare settings. The chapters offer an overview of demographic changes in the United States, as well as accreditation requirements and cultural competency, cultural nuances of specific groups, and a comprehensive review of the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards and beyond.
Attention is also given to the associated costs, time, and skill sets associated with the process of moving a health care organization toward cultural competency. Ideal for senior-level undergraduate or graduate students, readers will gain valuable insight into the process of assessment its relevance to health administration and public health and will come away with a systematic and disciplined approach to the process of achieving cultural competence.
- Includes an attitudinal survey with established reliability and validity—useful in assessing administrators, providers, and the workforce of healthcare organizations as well as attitudinal research.
- Contains key terms in bold for each chapter as well as relevant activities, case studies and sidebars.
- Definitions of key terms will be found in a glossary at the end of the book.
- Suggested readings and where appropriate, a list of high-quality Internet sources for further research featured at the end of each chapter.
- Offers an overview of demographic changes in the United States
- Identifies accreditation requirements for cultural competency
- Looks at cultural nuances of specific groups
- Gives a comprehensive review of the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards
© 2011 | 176 pages