Cloud Labs

Our Cloud Labs provide fully immersive mock IT infrastructures with live virtual machines and real software, where students will learn and practice the foundational information security skills they need to excel in their future careers. Unlike simulations, these hands-on virtual labs reproduce the complex challenges of the real world without putting an institution's assets at risk.

Available as a standalone lab solution or bundled with our textbooks, Cloud Labs are an essential tool for mastering key course concepts through hands-on training.

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Cloud Labs: Instant, Unscheduled Access to Immersive Training Environments

Automated Lab Reports

Streamline the lab report process for students and simplify assessment and grading for instructors.

Instructor Dashboards

Provide instructors with live mentoring capabilities and graphical analytics to monitor student progress and time on task.


Allow students to complete lab exercises across multiple sessions. Students can save their work at the end of their session and return to the same environment within ten days.

Distinct Difficulty Levels

Most labs provide a prescriptive Hands-On Demonstration, an advanced Applied Learning section to improve mastery, and a scenario-based Challenge and Analysis section to challenge more advanced users.

LMS Integrations

LMS Integrations and institutional license agreements provide flexible delivery options to meet your institution's unique needs.

Auto-graded Quizzes

Auto-graded assessment quizzes accompany each lab.

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An Introduction to Cybersecurity + IT
Cloud Labs

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Our library of videos for students and instructors will help you start on the right foot with Cloud Labs.

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How Cloud Labs helped a student prepare for the cybersecurity & forensics field.

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