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Managing Child Nutrition Programs: Leadership for Excellenceselected product title
Second Edition
Josephine Martin, PhD, RD, LD; Charlotte Beckett Oakley, PhD, RD, LD, FADA
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Managing Child Nutrition Programs: Leadership for Excellence, Second Edition, gives readers the skills and knowledge they need to develop and lead today’s child nutrition programs. Each chapter and accompanying case study are prepared by recognized child nutrition professionals and academic leaders, with proven applications in the development, implementation, management, and evaluation of child nutrition programs. The Second Edition takes a systems approach to program management by focusing on four program areas; administration, nutrition, operations, and communications and marketing. This approach prepares readers to achieve innovation and excellence in their child nutrition programs through effective leadership in each of the program areas with the desired outcome of helping children develop healthy food habits and giving children access to healthful food when under the care of the school or institutional setting.
Managing Child Nutrition Programs has been fully updated to reflect recent changes in legislation and school nutrition programs to give readers the most authoritative information. The Second Edition focuses on the latest issues in the school nutrition environment such as a school's responsibility to curb student obesity, school board policy and the sale of non-nutritious foods, and the need for collaboration to balance healthy eating and physical activity.
This valuable resource for dietetic educators and community health and public health professionals is also an essential tool for school districts and state departments of education. With chapters prepared by recognized child nutrition practitioners and academic leaders, this publication addresses the strategic needs of child nutrition programs today. The Second Edition has been fully updated to reflect changes in legislation and school nutrition programs. This resource addresses the latest issues in the school nutrition environment such as a school’s responsibility to curb student obesity, school board policy and the sale of non-nutritious foods, and the need for collaboration to balance healthy eating and physical activity. Managing Child Nutrition Programs offers updated competency statements for school nutrition directors, managers and food service assistants.
© 2008 | 860 pages