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Nurse's Chemotherapy Quick Pocket Referenceselected product title
First Edition
Debra S. Prescher-Hughes, RN, BSN, OCN; Cynthia J. Shyrock, RN, OCN
| © 2009
| 208 pages
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Nurse's Chemotherapy Quick Pocket Reference is a portable, quick-reference guide that provides quick access to the essentials of chemotherapy dosing administration and is arranged alphabetically by cancer type. This resource covers drug information for over 40 cancer types including bladder cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, head and neck cancer, leukemia, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, and more, and includes pre-treatment information, chair time, and major side effects for each drug entry. All the chemotherapy drug information you need in the palm of your hand!
© 2009 | 208 pages