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Essentials of Public Health Communicationselected product title
First Edition
Claudia Parvanta, PhD; David E. Nelson, MD, MPH; Sarah A. Parvanta, MPH; Richard N. Harner, MD
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Instructor Resources: Instructor's Manual, TestBank, PowerPoints, Lesson Plan
Student Resources: Companion Website with Interactive Glossary, Flashcards, WebLinks, Crosswords, Matching Questions, Videos
The field of communications is increasingly recognized as a powerful tool in addressing the world’s most imperative public health challenges. Effective communication in health campaigns can inform, empower, or persuade individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles as well as foster public debate and policy change.
- Rather than simply presenting theories and cases, this text emphasizes the framework and methods, breaking down complex tasks into steps for mastery.
- Simplifies key concepts in public health informatics, and how data are transformed into useful information and effective presentations.
- Examines how health communication is actively being used by the leading public health agencies and organizations today.
- Includes suggest health communication projects that can be implemented at an academic institution, or small scale community level, to enable hands-on learning.
- A companion website provides a complete package of instructor resources including sample syllabi and curriculum guides for two semesters of instruction, as well as small scale research projects.
Looking for more real-life evidence? Check out Cases 1, 5, 6, 10, 15, 16, & 18-21 in Essential Case Studies in Public Health, Putting Public Health into Practice.
© 2011 | 416 pages