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Aphasia Rehabilitation: Clinical Challenges selected product title

First Edition


Patrick Coppens, PhD, CCC-SLP; Janet Patterson, PhD, CCC-SLP


| © 2018
| 484 pages

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Aphasia Rehabilitation: Clinical Challenges focuses on specific aphasia symptoms and clinical issues that present challenges for rehabilitation professionals. Contributed by experts in the field, each chapter presents a clinically relevant topic in detail while blending theoretical concepts with practical clinical applications. 

Part One provides in-depth coverage of complex aphasia symptoms and offers guidance for clinical implementation. Each topic is introduced with a review of contemporary literature followed by examples of problem-solving activities for treating patients with such symptoms. Part Two addresses clinical and service delivery issues that are at the forefront of modern clinical aphasiology and discusses how to implement them in daily clinical work. Key topics include evidence-based treatment, intensive treatment, and promoting patient motivation.

  • Unique, in-depth approach to aphasia rehabilitation, with a specific focus on difficult clinical issues
  • Evidence-Based suggestions for treatment
  • Case Illustrations in each chapter bring concepts to life and facilitate student comprehension
  • Combines a thorough review of the pertinent literature with specific, focused clinical suggestions for implementation in contemporary clinical practice
  • Aphasia / Related Disorders
  • Aphasia Rehabilitation
  • Language Disorders

© 2018 | 484 pages