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Physical Activity & Healthselected product title

Fifth Edition


Jerome E. Kotecki, HSD


Access Code Ships with Printed Book
| © 2018
| 666 pages

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Physical Activity & Health, Fifth Edition assists and encourage students in developing a personalized physical activity and health plan based on information gleaned from the latest scientific evidence and research. The text uses a distinct interactive approach that instills confidence in students to improve their health and well-being. Through its clear and systematic coverage of the essentials of personal health and fitness, Physical Activity & Health equips students with the information, skills, and practical know-how to gain control of their health.

Each new print copy includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytics reporting tools.

  • Assess Yourself workbook activities have been incorporated into the text and are included in Navigate 2 as writable PDFs
  • Where Am I? boxes provide students with the opportunity to assess their readiness to change using the Stages of Change behavior change model
  • The Me I Want to Be boxes encourage students to construct a personal action plan while also measuring the reader’s level of self-efficacy 
  • Revised statistics and data incorporated throughout the text reflect the current state of physical activity and health status in the U.S and around the world
  • Physical activity
  • Fitness
  • Wellness
  • Personal health

© 2018 | 666 pages