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Fourth Edition
Judi L. Nath, PhD
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Each new print copy of A Short Course in Medical Terminology, Fourth Edition includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access!
Navigate 2 Advantage Access unlocks a wealth of resources to help you better understand medical terminology through practical learning activities and study tools. We are pleased to provide these online resources to support classroom education.
Read your digital textbook online or offline, enhance your learning, and make personal notes. The eBook provides a comprehensive learning experience on computers, tablets, and mobile devices.
Audio Glossary
Use the recorded audio to learn the correct pronunciation for the terms covered in the text.
Worksheets are provided for each chapter to practice and test your knowledge of key content.
Review key terms from each chapter to conveniently study valuable information.
Instructor Resources
Instructor resources include Slides in PowerPoint format, Test Bank, Image Bank, Lesson Plans, Syllabus Conversion Guide, and Answers to Chapter Quizzes and student Worksheets.
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