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Navigate 2 eBook Access for Introduction to Data Mining and Analyticsselected product title

First Edition


Kris Jamsa, MBA, PhD


Instant Access
| © 2021
| 668 pages
365Day Subscription

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Navigate 2 eBook Access for Introduction to Data Mining and Analytics is a digital-only, eBook. Read your digital textbook online or offline, enhance your learning with interactive tools, and make personal notes. The eBook provides a personal, interactive, and collaborative learning experience on computers, tablets, and mobile devices.

About the text:

Introduction to Data Mining and Analytics provides a broad and interactive overview of a rapidly growing field. The exponentially increasing rate at which data is generated creates a corresponding need for professionals who can effectively handle its storage, analysis, and translation. With a dual focus on concepts and operations, this text comprises a complete how-to and is an excellent resource for anyone considering the field. 

© 2021 | 668 pages