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Navigate 2 eBook Access for Immunohematology: Principles and Practiceselected product title
Third Edition
Eva D Quinley, MS
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Navigate 2 eBook Access for Immunohematology: Principles and Practice is a digital-only, eBook with 365-day access.
Praised by both instructors and students for its clear, concise, and thorough presentation, Navigate 2 eBook Access for Immunohematology: Principles and Practice is an ideal text for anyone who wants to master the theory and practices of today's blood banking. The Third Edition has been completely revised and updated to reflect the latest scientific findings and clinical practices. Among the new materials are chapters dedicated to information technology and project management.
Each chapter features a host of learning aids - including learning objectives, key words, boxes emphasizing critical information, and review questions - to focus your studies and make it easy to learn and apply new concepts. In addition, a section of color plates highlights important materiial,
- New chapter on information technology
- New chapter on principles of project management
- New chapter on process management has been expanded to include information about Six Sigma and Lean Principles
- Chapter objectives let students know what they will learn in the chapter
- Chapter review questions and answers reinforce material learned in the chapter
- Boxes highlighting important concepts
- Key words tell students which terms are important to master
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