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Navigate eBook Access for Health Sciences Literature Review Made Easyselected product title

Sixth Edition


Judith Garrard, PhD


Instant Access
| © 2022
| 250 pages
Access code subscription length:365Days

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Navigate eBook Access for Health Sciences Literature Review Made Easy is a digital-only, eBook with 365-day access.

Health Sciences Literature Review Made Easy, Sixth Edition is the ultimate ‘how to’ guide for learning the practical and useful methods for reviewing scientific literature in the health sciences. This text is an outstanding resource for students who need a practical, step-by-step set of instructions for how to organize, conduct, and write a synthesis of literature on a topic of their choice.

The hallmark of this text is the inclusion of the Matrix Method developed by the author which outlines one of the many ways to approach a literature review. This method is a practical, easy-to-use structure and process for reviewing research literature, particularly in the health sciences and nursing.

© 2022 | 250 pages