Navigate - Support for Instructors


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Training Manual

Complete Navigate Instructor's Training Manual

This section contains a comprehensive training manual that covers most of what instructors need help with when using Navigate. In the manual, you may click on any item in the Table of Contents to jump straight to that item's specific training document.

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Course Access & Enrollment

Log In to Navigate

This section contains instructions to help you log in to Navigate.

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Redeem an Access Code as a New User

This section contains instructions on how to redeem a 10-digit access code and create a new user account to start your access to a Jones & Bartlett Learning digital product.

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Redeem an Access Code as an Existing User

This section contains instructions for redeeming a Jones & Bartlett Learning access code within an existing User Account online.

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Redeem a FISDAP Access Code and Create a New FISDAP Profile

This section contains instructions on how to redeem a 10-digit access code to create a new FISDAP user account and register in your program.

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Reset My Password

This section contains instructions for resetting a forgotten password for your Navigate user account. The process is the same for both students and instructors.

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Add Other Instructors

Each additional instructor must redeem an access code to create an individual User Account and enroll in the course ID as a student. To retrieve complimentary access codes for your staff, please contact our Technical Support Team or call 800-832-0034 (option #2). Once they have enrolled in the course ID as a student, the course’s lead instructor must then upgrade them to an instructor role from the lead’s User Account.

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Unenroll Students

This section contains instructions for how to unenroll students from one of your courses, including removing their records from your Grader Report.

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Request a Course Copy

This section contains instructions on requesting a copy of a current course ID of your choosing. A course copy is a replica of an existing course ID, which will include manual customizations, such as reorganized content, uploaded files, and quizzes and assignments. There is a standard 3-5 business day waiting period for a new course copy. The copy will display as a new course ID within your products tab when your request is completed, and you will receive a notification via email.

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Personalize and Manage My User Account

This section provides an overview of options for managing your personal user account. It covers navigating your account tabs, nicknaming and hiding products and courses, and changing your contact information.

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General Course Setup

Set My Local Time Zone

This section contains instructions for how to change the time zone setting of your profile to ensure that the course clock is in sync with your local time. Please note: The default time zone setting for your profile is set to Eastern Standard Time (US).

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Create Custom Course Topics or Sections

This section contains instructions for creating your own topics or sections in your course through Navigate’s Edit Mode.

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Move or Rearrange Course Content

This section contains instructions for how to rearrange course content to fit your personal preferences.

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Add My Own Files or Documents

This section contains instructions for how to upload your own files (PDFs, PowerPoints, etc.) to a course in Navigate.

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Delete a Course Item

This section contains instructions for how to delete items (assignments, quizzes, PDFs, etc.) from your course.

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Retrieve a Deleted File or Resource

This section provides directions for how to retrieve a deleted file or resource in a course. Please note, you may only restore deleted items in a course within 7 days of the time of its deletion.

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Hide Items From My Students

This section contains instructions for how to hide course items (assignments, slides, lecture outlines, etc.) from students so that they cannot see or complete hidden resources and activities until you choose to reveal them.

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Gate Student Progress or Apply Access Requirements

This section contains instructions on how to add access restrictions to resources or activities within your course. Examples that will be covered include applying access restrictions to activity completion, dates, grades, and user profiles, as well as adding multiple restrictions to the same resource.

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Edit Item Names or Labels

This section contains instructions for how to change the name of any individual resource or activity displayed within your course.

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Embed a Video Within the Course

This section provides instructions on how to embed an external video within your Navigate course. Please note: Due to file size limitations, a prerequisite for embedding a video will be to upload the file to an online media sharing site such as YouTube or Vimeo. The following example demonstrates embedding a video using YouTube.

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Add a Link to an External Webpage

This section provides instructions on how to embed a link to an external webpage within your course.

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Set up eBook Groups to Share Notes with my Class

This section provides instructor directions on how to create user groups within your eBook. With this option, you can automatically share your eBook notes with sets of specific students in the class

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Set up Course User Groups

This section provides instructions on how to organize students into designated groups as a means of tracking and managing separate cohorts within a single course.

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Add and Configure Course Blocks

This section provides directions on how you can add and configure course blocks in the righthand menu.

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Testing & Quizzing

Create a Quiz

This section contains instructions on creating a custom quiz within your course. You can create a custom quiz within any section of a course. First, you will need to specify some initial settings for the quiz, such as the quiz name, and then you can add questions.

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Edit Quiz Settings or Contents

This section provides instructions on how to make changes to the settings and contents of a quiz within your course.

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Review and Change Student Results on a Quiz

This section provides instructions on how to view your students’ completed attempts on a quiz and make custom individual adjustments to their grades and feedback as needed.

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Set Quiz Due Dates and Time Limits

This section contains instructions on how to assign a quiz due date, adjust time limits, and determine what happens when time expires on a student’s quiz attempt within your course.

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Manage How Questions are Displayed and Answered

This section contains detailed instructions on tailoring how a quiz within a course is formatted, including setting the number of questions displayed on each quiz page, applying student navigation limitations, and adjusting how questions are shuffled.

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Set the Number of Attempts and How the Quiz is Graded

This section contains instructions on how to set a limit on the number of attempts allowed for a quiz and how the quiz is graded within your course.

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Manage Results and Feedback for Students

This section contains instruction on how to manage the way in which students can review quiz results and receive feedback on quizzes within the course.

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Create a Custom Question

This section contains instructions on how to create your own custom quiz questions from scratch. It’s strongly recommended that you place all custom questions in custom and dedicated categories within the test bank. This will help you discern and manage your own questions separately from the default test bank.

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Apply Quiz Exceptions for Individual Students

This section contains instructions on how to apply exceptions to quizzes for individual students. Examples include requiring a password, setting a unique window of availability for the quiz, setting a time limit, and adjusting the number of attempts allowed for a student.

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Print a Quiz

This section will explain how to print a quiz with or without an answer key.

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Add Questions to a Quiz

This section provides instructions on how to add questions to a quiz, including adding questions chosen from our test bank or at random.

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Bulk Edit Quiz Activity Settings

This section provides instructions on how to bulk edit quiz activity settings.

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Review Test Item Analysis

This section contains instructions on how to view a statistical analysis of your students’ assessment results online.

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Use the Regrade Function

This section provides directions on how to use the regrade function in Navigate. It covers how to edit quiz questions and answers that have already been completed by students and how to regrade based on any changes made to the quiz, including changes to full or partial credit for certain answers.

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Interpret Test Item Analysis Results

This section contains an overview of the statistical data provided in your course’s test item analysis page.

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Create an Assignment

This section contains instructions on creating new assignments and adjusting submission and availability settings for assignments within a Navigate course.

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Grade Student Submissions

This section contains instructions on how to view and grade student assignment submissions in a couple of different ways.

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Bulk Edit Assignment Activity Settings

This section contains instructions on how to bulk edit assignment activity settings.

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Grade Assignments with the Annotation Tool

These instructions explain how to use Navigate’s assignment PDF annotation tool for marking-up and grading students’ file submissions. Note, this tool is compatible with PDF file formats only. You may force your students to submit PDFs by applying this requirement in the Accepted file types field under the Submission types section in the assignment settings. These instructions start with explaining how to toggle on the Annotate PDF option in the Feedback types field in the assignment settings, in case you didn’t do it while setting up the Assignment for initial deployment to students.

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Discussion Forums

Create an Online Discussion Forum

You may set up forums in your course to engage students in class discussions online. You have a variety of options for managing the discussion format and setting rules of engagement for students. You may also choose to make any forum a graded activity to require student participation and score them on their contributions.

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Student Attendance

Set Up Online Attendance Tracking

This section contains detailed instructions on how to set up online attendance tracking for students. It will also cover how to set attendance recurrence, make attendance a graded activity, and enable student self-recording of attendance.

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Record Student Attendance by Class

This section contains instructions on how to record student attendance by class, as well as how to download a comprehensive attendance report.

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Student Activity

Enable and Apply Course Activity Completion Tracking

This section provides guidance on enabling activity completion tracking in your course and applying completion requirements to course items. You can require students to manually confirm the completion of an activity and/or you can automatically track their online activity completion based on a set of instructor-defined parameters.

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Verify or Track Individual Student Online Activity

This section provides guidance on using a variety of tools and reports to verify and monitor your students’ online activity within the course.

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Report Students' Online Course Activity Time

This section provides instructions on how to track students’ estimated course activity time using the Student engagement button. Engagement time is estimated by capturing the time between two or more consecutive clicks within a defined session of activity. Please note, the Student engagement report is limited to in-course activity only and does not account for any activity in external course tools or resources, such as the eBook, course media, or TestPrep.

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Review eBook Analytics

This section contains instructions on how to access and use the eBook’s Analytics tool within your course. Ebook Analytics is a customizable report in which student data is displayed in a variety of graphical formats to reveal reading time spent in the eBook and quiz performance.

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Track Student Progress in Interactive Learning Modules

This section contains a recommended approach for tracking your learners’ progress in the Interactive Learning Modules. The data includes a record of each student’s attempt, the timing of each attempt, and how the module’s quiz questions were answered and scored.

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Enter or Change Grades in the Gradebook

This section contains instructions on how to manually enter or change grades in the gradebook through the Grader report and Single View Tab.

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Set Up the Gradebook

This section contains instructions on how to customize the gradebook’s structure and aggregation to appropriately calculate the students’ course total scores. There are a variety of options and approaches that can be used. Not all options are accounted for in this section. However, most gradebook aggregation requirements may be met by following the steps below.

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Set Up a Weighted Gradebook

This section contains instructions on how to set up weighted categories and assign weights to various activities and assignments within the gradebook.

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Export the Gradebook

This section contains instructions on how to export your gradebook from Navigate. You can export a gradebook in a variety of file formats, including plain text, OpenDocument spreadsheet, XML, or Excel spreadsheet. This allows you to store the course grades on a local computer, perform further manual analysis, or print for your records.

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Create a Manually Graded Item

This section contains instructions on how to create manually graded activities and categorize them within the gradebook.

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View the Gradebook

This section contains an overview on navigating the gradebook. The focus is mostly on the Grader report and the options available within the report, including how to filter student results, collapse sections of the report, and access the user report and single view.

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Message my Students

This section contains instructions on how to send your students private communications from within Navigate. There are multiple options for sending your students personal messages, and the following approach is easy and recommended.

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Use the Course Calendar

This section contains instructions on how to use your course Calendar to create, track, and manage course events, reminders, and assignments.

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Manage Course Notifications

This section contains instructions on how to set the channels through which you’ll receive course notifications.

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Set Up a Live Course Chat

This section outlines steps for creating an online chat room for participants within your Navigate course. The chat feature may be used to facilitate real-time conversation for all course participants within a central chat module under a topic chosen by the instructor.

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Post Course Announcements

This section provides instructions on how you can post general announcements in the course that will be communicated to all class participants.

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Special Course Resources

Use TestPrep

The directions below explain how to use Navigate TestPrep within your course as an instructor. We strongly recommend reviewing the student TestPrep tutorial in the Student Library first to familiarize yourself with how your students may use the tool before you continue.

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Use the eBook

This section contains a walkthrough of a variety of features within the eBook, such as annotations, text-to-speech, bookmarking, and more. It is intended to show how to make the most of the eBook’s capabilities. Please note, eBook features and asset types will vary by title.

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Use eBook on a Mobile Device Offline

This section outlines the necessary steps for accessing your eBook via the Navigate eReader 2.0 mobile application. Please note, the application is currently only available for iOS and Android.

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