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Navigate Advantage Access for Essentials of Patient Educationselected product title
Second Edition
Susan B. Bastable, EdD, MEd, RN
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Navigate Advantage Access for Essentials of Patient Education, Second Edition is a digital-only Access Code that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytics reporting tools.
About the text:
Essentials of Patient Education, Second Edition prepares nurses for their ever-increasing roles in patient teaching, health education, and health promotion. This application-based text addresses the needs and characteristics of the learner and discusses appropriate instructional approaches. The text is tailored to an undergraduate audience and offers content covering a fundamental component of nursing practice which is essential to improving the health of individuals. This text also provides nursing students with a thorough comprehension of and the skills necessary in the teaching and learning process.
© 2017