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Navigate 2 eBook Access for Essentials of Patient Educationselected product title

Second Edition


Susan B. Bastable, EdD, MEd, RN


Instant Access
| © 2017
365Day Subscription

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Navigate 2 eBook Access for Essentials of Patient Education is a digital-only eBook with 365-day access.

About the text:

Essentials of Patient Education, Second Edition prepares nurses for their increasing role in patient teaching, health education and health promotion. Highly revised, the Second Edition focuses on the basic principles of teaching and learning by emphasizing the role of the professional nurse in educating patients and families effectively and efficiently in various healthcare settings. 

The Second Edition explores new topics of motor learning and gender differences in the brain as well as, the ethics of patient education and the legal role of the nurse as mandated by state practice. The text features completely revised chapter content and updated references that provide evidence from research and theoretical foundations which substantiate content throughout the text.

  • Coverage of health literacy
  • Chapters dedicated to gender, socioeconomics, culture and persons with disabilities
  • Discussion of compliance and motivation issues
  • Includes the determinants of learning which captures critical information on the learner
  • Case studies offer the opportunity to apply the teaching and learning principles featured in the chapter

© 2017