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Navigate 2 Premier Access for Human Form, Human Function, Enhanced Editionselected product title

First Edition


Thomas H McConnell, MD, FACP; Kerry L. Hull


Instant Access
| © 2011
Access code subscription length:365Days

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Navigate 2 Premier Access for Human Form, Human Function: Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology is a digital-only Access Code that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytics reporting system.

This Navigate 2 digital-only package for Human Form, Human Function: Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology offers the following:


Read your digital textbook online or offline, enhance your learning, and make personal notes. The eBook provides a comprehensive learning experience on computers, tablets, and mobile devices.

Anatomy & Physiology Review Module with Heart & Lung Sounds

This interactive study tool allows you to explore the human body like never before! Easily toggle between body systems, gender, and life stages in anterior, posterior, and lateral views. This resource allows you to either quiz yourself on your current A&P knowledge or learn with interactive definitions. The Heart & Lung Sounds module has 3D animations with real recorded audio.

Chapter Quizzes

Test your knowledge with multiple-choice questions based on the content of each chapter.

Audio Glossary

Use the recorded audio to learn the correct pronunciation for the terms covered in the text.


Use these focused content audio files to learn about challenging concepts and reinforce learning.

Study Aids

Learning Objectives, Chapter Glossaries, and Weblinks are available to help you learn course material.

Navigate 2 TestPrep

With Navigate 2 TestPrep you can build custom practice tests that will closely mimic the content and format of an actual exam. You can choose the area you want to focus on, how many questions will be on the test, and see immediate feedback on the answers. 

For Instructors, Navigate 2 TestPrep provides real-time reporting on how students are performing and where they may need additional help before they take an exam.

© 2011