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Study Guide to Accompany Human Form, Human Function, Enhanced Editionselected product title

First Edition


Thomas H McConnell, MD, FACP; Kerry L. Hull


| © 2011
| 516 pages

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Designed to accompany Human Form Human Function: Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, the Study Guide offers chapter overviews, chapter objectives, focus questions, mastery tests, study activities, and mastery test answers. Most importantly, it allows students to get the most out of their study time, with a variety of custom designed exercises to help them master each objective.

  • Overviews: Brief summaries of the textbook chapters to set students up for getting the most out of the study guide activities.
  • Addressing the Learning Outcomes: Content-based activities such as completion lists, diagram labeling, diagram coloring, true/false, and matching that challenge students to understand the concepts.
  • Testing Your Knowledge: Progressive-difficulty questions such as multiple choice, completion, true/false, practical applications, short essays, and conceptual thinking that reinforce the content and help students internalize it.
  • Expanding Your Horizons: Critical-thinking questions about a thought-provoking topic that is related to the chapter content, but is not specifically discussed in the chapter, pushing students to go beyond the book for the bigger picture.

© 2011 | 516 pages