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Navigate Advantage for Pediatric Nursing Care: A Concept-Based Approachselected product title
Second Edition
Luanne Linnard-Palmer, RN, MSN, EdD, CPN
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Navigate Advantage Access for Pediatric Nursing Care: A Concept-Based Approach, Second Edition is a digital-only Access Code that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytics reporting tools.
About the book:
Pediatric Nursing Care: A Concept-Based Approach, Second Edition teaches undergraduate nursing students the need to know information for working in a pediatric nursing environment. The text has a strong focus on patient safety and QSEN competencies as well as the Family Centered Care Theory. This pediatric-focused text emphasizes communication and interdisciplinary team work, provides family education guidelines, questions for soliciting health history and employs a concept-based approach to the content. This text is differentiated from others through its unique approach to family dynamics including constellation, culture and religious influences to pediatric treatment.
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