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Navigate eBook for Pediatric Nursing Care - 365 Day Accessselected product title

Second Edition


Luanne Linnard-Palmer, RN, MSN, EdD, CPN


| © 2024
| 500 pages
Access code subscription length:365Days

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Navigate eBook for Pediatric Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach, Second Edition is 1-year digital-only access to the complete and interactive eBook.

About the book:
Pediatric Nursing Care: A Concept-Based Approach, Second Edition provides pre-licensed nursing students the need-to-know information for working as a pediatric nurse in a variety of settings. The concept-based perspective, information on pathologies and diagnoses unique to children, and focus on family-centered care set it apart from other pediatric nursing textbooks.

The Second Edition was updated to offer the latest information on family education, current research, safety, and pharmacology. Chapters unique to this text include those focusing on symptoms assessment and management for children, working and communicating in interdisciplinary teams, caring for children across healthcare settings, cultural care models, essential safety models, and pediatric-specific skills. Pediatric Nursing Care: A Concept-Based Approach, Second Edition is a helpful guide and reference for attaining a deeper understanding of the unique aspects of pediatric nursing.

© 2024 | 500 pages